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Archive for December, 2007

On an otherwise unused email address I get this message with at zipped “video” file attached — no doubt the attachment will not pass the lie detector examination … 

Here is the video of this patient interrogation / cross-examination. I think he doesn’t say everything.I’ll ask the psychologist to work with him. I suppose he can fall under hypnotist’s spell. Also I’ll make him to pass lie detector examination, and then we’ll compare all the information and make a conclusion. If you need me, I’m online.Gerald.

Even the Register reports on the new Swiss copyright regulation.

The wording of the regulation is ambiguous, argues petition author Florian Bösch. Switzerland’s new copyright law has been described as “brutal” by and is hotly debated on Slashdot.

The Swiss copyright collecting authority, SUISA, dismisses the claims as groundless and misguided.

ACC announces the immediate closure of the Lemon Tree

“{ACC Resources Management} Committee members agreed unanimously that the venue should be offered the chance to take out a loan from the City Council-administered Aberdeen Business Enterprise Scheme (ABES) – or The Lemon Tree could have its overdraft facility underwritten up to a reasonable new limit by the City Council.Neither option was taken up by The Lemon Tree’s board.”     

And the Lemon Tree Website is just a bunch of nested emtpy folders….  lt-dead.png  

The Lemon Tree board had good reasons not to take up ACC offers, as comments at the Scotsman website reveal: each of the board members would have to “personally put up a guarantee of £25k from their own pockets” in order to accept that generous offer from Aberdeen City Council…

Same tune, maybe, but on another note: Plans for Aberdeen Arts Centre were rubber-stamped by city councillors yesterday, the P&J reports

Dutch actors and musicians request that the introduction of a copying fee on mp3 players and DVD-recorders takes effect immediately. The Dutch government wants to postpone that extra fee until 2009. Copyright organisation Norma claims through its lawyer that the government’s decision is illegal.

Apart from Norma, the Dutch system consists of over 20 organisations that deal with fees for copyrights and neighbouring rights. Earlier this year, this system has been accused of being inefficient and of wasting money by the association of SMEs in the Netherlands.

“Denken für Anfänger” hat mal jemand gesagt, auf enthousiaste Vorschläge, doch ein MindMap zu zeichnen. Seither bezeichne auch ich MindMap(TM) als “Denken für Anfänger”. Mindestens seit es MindMap-Malprogramme für den Compi gibt, grassiert das MindMap Fieber allenthalben. Pseudo-sequentielle hierarchische Strukturierung, könnte man es nennen.

Im Novemberheft von ETH Globe wird Denken für Anfänger auf eine nächste Stufe gehoben, und ich zweifle, ob es eine Stufe wissenschaftlicher oder kommunikativer Inkompetenz ist. Diese Abbildung zeigt einen Ausschnitt aus einem Diagramm, das einfache Wirkungszusammenhänge darstellt — “Was tut ein Gewitter?”

Wirkungszusammenhänge eines Gewitters (Ausschnitt)
Lesebeispiel führt er zu einer Überlast in der Kanalisation (overload canalisation), was zu Wasser im Keller führt (flooding, inundated cellars).

Die Legende zum Bild lautet: “Die Katastrophenkaskade eines Gewittersturms als Mindmap. Das ist es wieder, das Unwort. Und verwendet wird es diesmal für ein Bild, das eigentlich einigermassen intelligent gedacht gewesen wäre. Als ich noch studierte, sagte man bei so einem Diagramm noch: “vernetztes Denken”. Werde ich alt oder die ETH-Kommunikation schludrig? Biologisch trifft wohl Ersteres zu, intellektuell wohl eher Zweiteres …

Striking screen writers turn to web outlets that, while paying less, give them total control over their content and share a substantial proportion of revenue, up to 50 %, much larger than conventional Hollywood companies; read “Striking Writers Gravitate to Web” by Gary Gentile, AP Business Writer, for Wired News.