

Webster's Online Dictionary

with Multilingual Thesaurus Translation


WIPO went to see a group of 16-17 year old students at an international school to find out, how they think about downloading music from the Internet. The first point went to WIPO — the students actually believe that downloading is illegal (which it might or might not be, depending on national legislation). But the downloaders scored all the other points — and I’ll cite only a selection, the whole story is here — “I wouldn’t steal a car. I wouldn’t steal a DVD. But I might borrow a DVD from a friend. And what’s the Internet these days, but a big group of friends sharing stuff?” — “Downloading seems kind of unreal compared to other crimes,” — “They’ve [the music industry] got to find ways to make money other than selling CDs, because stopping people from downloading illegally is, well, extremely hard.” — “they should work harder on making us want to pay for it.”– “We’re always being told: ‘don’t smoke, you’ll get caught; ‘don’t do this, you’ll get caught’… the messages just don’t affect us any more.” — “Just give us simple facts and figures.”

So the message is very clear: downloading is understood as the online equivalent of borrowing, not of buying. It is a reality. And the “kids” are not stupid, they bloody damn well understand the way the business works. Only that some do not seem to be noticing that. I feel that this is the really big chance we get with “Texts Don’t Grow on Trees!”, to campaign intelligently, to listen to our clientele, to understand how they think about the Internet.

Monday is the UNESCO world book and copyright day. And that is our message:

1. Authors must never be pressured into waiving their rights to be named as the authors of their work.
2. Authors must never never be pressured into allowing their works to be treated in a derogatory manner.
3. Authors need to be free to make a choice on licensing their works for reproduction, communication, distribution, interpretation, and modification in any form and medium of their choice without pressure or interference from others.
4. Authors must be rewarded by a conforming and timely execution of the licenses by their licensees.
5. Authorsmust be remunerated in fair relation to the profits arising from the licensed exploitation of their work.

Some might say that this is a complicated message. But I am sure the “kids” will get it.